Monday, April 20, 2020

Live at Latte Larry's

So we've been stuck in self quarantine (us responsible people anyway) trying not to get sick. For the past month I've been going live almost daily on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Twitch with DJ sets to help us all out. DJing is therapy to me and I miss going out, hopping on that stage or into the DJ booth and rocking out for everyone. So that's I've been going live from my studio which I called Latte Larry's (Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of my all time favorite TV shows and I don't watch much TV). So that brings me to the embed below. I started a Twitch channel because of all of the platforms they have live streaming on lock. I encourage you guys to get an account and hop in the chatroom. Any way that you stream me going live, you should also know I strive for the best sound quality possible. I do not broadcast through the mic on my iPhone on Instagram or anywhere. The quality you're getting from me you can plug me into your aux or connect it to a bluetooth and rock out. I have some special streaming events in the works that won't be on any of these mentioned platforms. Stay tuned to my social media accounts for those. Stay home, don't go out for anything unless necessary but most of all, stay safe.
Watch live video from ChumZilla on
Monday, February 3, 2020

"Terra Incognita" Pre-order and "Lock Them Out"

Good day, true believers. My album "Terra Incognita" is available for pre-order in my store and on whatever digital service you purchase music on. The cassettes however, are only available here in my store. My buddy Kevin Malicki (@cosmicautumn) did the "Terra Incognita" artwork and my other buddy Honkey Kong (@honkeykonger) did the "Lock Them Out" artwork. With the pre-order through my store you get the first single, "Lock Them Out" feat. Benn Grim, as an immediate download. Radio shows, podcasts, blogs, etc. contact for any information you need. All the links and stuff for the single and album are embedded below. Excelsior.